When it comes to grooming your cat, there’s a lot to know but don’t let that overwhelm you. Learn how to groom your cat in ways like nail trimming, ear cleaning, tooth care, and coat maintenance in the easiest and most affordable ways! And remember, your cat’s grooming needs are just as important as your grooming needs!
Nail Trimming
It’s important to check your cat’s nails frequently. We recommend checking and inspecting your cat’s nails every week. Infected nails, split nails, and overgrown curved nails are all things to check for when inspecting. Cat’s nails actually shed from time to time around every 2-3 months. So, if this happens to your cat, don’t worry! It’s completely normal and healthy for this to happen. However, if any of these cases are getting worse, it looks bad, or your cat is noticeably in pain, make sure to consult your vet before doing anything.
To trim your cat’s nails you will need a cat claw trimmer. Make sure the clippers are sharp and disinfected. You can find cat nail trimmers easily on amazon or at your local pet store. Hold your cat’s paw gently but firmly, and squeeze the base of the nail to make it stick out. Trim only the tip of the nail at a 45-degree angle, avoiding the quick, which is the pink part of the nail closest to the nail bed. The quick contains nerves and blood vessels, so cutting it will be painful for your cat and may cause bleeding, so don’t cut too much!
Ear Cleaning
Cat ear wax is normal for cats to have, but too much excess earwax can be harmful. There’s multiple ways to clean your cat’s ears. For example, there’s cat ear cleaning wipes, cat-safe ear cleaning solutions, and the technique of using a cotton ball or q tip. We recommend cat ear cleaning wipes that are gentle and fragrance free. They’re easy to use and are a great way to get rid of earwax. If there is more wax left over in the deeper parts of the ear canal, rub a wipe on a q tip and gently remove. But, don’t go too deep in the ear canal or this will do more harm than good. Make sure to check for ear mites also! You can tell the difference between dark ear wax and ear mites because ear mites slightly move in the ear and are almost black. If you suspect that your cat might have ear mites or an ear infection, take them to the vet as soon as possible. If your cat’s paws are severely dry and cracked, there is also paw balm that you can easily get online. This is great for outdoor cats that walk on rough surfaces that might damage their paw pads.
Coat Maintenance
Regular brushing removes dead hair and stimulates the hair follicles, which can make your cat’s fur softer and healthier. Brushing also massages your cat’s skin, which can increase blood flow and encourage oil production. Cat Hair brushes and deshedders are easily accessible and come in different formats. There is the traditional brush, a steamer brush, shedder comb, and brush gloves. Do some research and see which one is the best for your cat and you to have the best results.
Bathing isn’t necessary for cats, unlike what most people think. Cats groom and bath themselves everyday and pride themselves on keeping up their hygiene. However, if your cat has an accident or is an outdoor cat, bathing should be more often. If you have an outdoor cat, make sure to give your cat some kind of anti-flea treatment regularly.
Tooth Care
Like shampoo and conditioner, never use human toothpaste on your cat. YThere are specifically designed cat toothpastes, toothbrushes, and gauze intended to clean and get rid of plaque and residue left on your cat’s teeth. Cat’s don’t like their teeth to be cleaned so this can be very difficult to do at times.
However, if your cat has a tooth crack or infection, take them to the vet immediately. You can also have your cat have teeth cleanings at the vet if you prefer to not do it at home and have a more detailed and stronger cleaning.
Kitty’s 10 Tips
Tip #1: Make sure your cat is comfortable. Choose a quiet, calm place to groom your cat, and try to do it when your cat is relaxed, like after a meal.
Tip #2: Start brushing, clipping nails, and bathing your cat at a young age if possible so they are comfortable with grooming and make it a routine in their life.
Tip #3: Make sure to reward your cat after every grooming step with their favorite treat and lots of affection. You want them to associate grooming with a good memory.
Tip #4: Use a cat shampoo and conditioner without chemicals and fragrances in them. This can cause skin irritation, dry out the natural oils in their skin, and may contain toxic ingredients. This also eliminates using human shampoo and conditioner on your cat.
Tip #5: You can also desensitize your cat to the clippers by touching them to their paws or using them without trimming their nails.
Tip #6: Never force your cat into doing something that it’s not comfortable with. The time will come where they are more relaxed and willing to be groomed. This will just make them scared of grooming and have a negative thought towards it.
Tip #7: Hold your cat close to you so they feel more comfortable. This also helps so that you can stop your cat from squirming or swiping. When they move too much they might hurt themselves during the grooming process.
Tip #8: Don’t brush too hard, and almost float over your cat’s coat and brush following the natural direction of fur growth. Make sure to brush everywhere to avoid tangles or matting.
Tip #9: Some cats just will never be comfortable with bathing whether it be from trauma as a kitten, or they were never bathed when they were young. If this is the case, use a wet cloth and a grooming spray to make it less stressful for your cat while still keeping them clean.
Tip #10: Cats are sensitive to temperature and strong fragrances. So, when bathing avoid strong scented products and keep the bath water at a lukewarm temperature. This will make it a better experience for you and your cat.
If you have any more questions that weren’t answered in this you can contact us through email at kittyscatcafe@gmail.com. Make sure to give us feedback if you used our tips or found this helpful information. Happy grooming!